Wednesday, May 30, 2012

B's New Wheels

Yesterday, as we were walking home, the grandparents of a former student stopped us to give us a tricycle for Brennan. It was so sweet and came just in time to replace the pushcar we just got rid of this past week.

Here is our girl on her new ride:

Brennan at Eighteen Months

On May 25, Brennan turned 18 months old. So hard to believe how quickly she is growing up! Where does the time go? I mean, really! Brennan is a super amazing and intelligent child and wows us more and more each day with what she is capable of doing.


Height: a whopping 88cm (34.6 inches) which puts her in the upper 99th percentile on her growth chart for her age!

Weight: a very respectable 12.4kg (27 pounds, 5 ounces) which puts her over the 90th percentile for weight.

Comment by the doctor at her 18 month checkup: "She is healthy and very tall for her age!" :-)

Brennan can say about 40 words now (understandable) that she uses appropriately. She also has about 20 or so pseudo words (usually the first syllable of the word). We have heard a few two word combinations which is very exciting. Brennan is a blank slate in the mornings when she wakes up and often says new words then. This morning, she pointed to James's tattoo and said, "tattoo".

Brennan also responds to requests for things. For example, "Go and get your shoes, please." and "Where are Daddy's keys?" Questions like these are usually responded to by her fetching the item!

She also knows the difference between hot and cold. Brennan is a big reader as well. She will pick up just about anything and "read" it to us. Yesterday, she was "reading" a pamphlet aloud and all of a sudden she interjected the babble with "apple"! So cute.

Brennan is running - sometimes fast enough that James and I have to run to keep up/catch her! She is also jumping now. It is hilarious to watch. A favorite game for her is to stand on the bed and have one of us count to three and say "sit down!". She thinks it is the best game EVER.

Brennan has also begun doing the motions for 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider' and dances to any music she hears!

To celebrate, I made Brennan a personal paddling pool and let her splash to her heart's content!

Me and my girl. Brennan thought the flash was going to go off, so she made this face!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day was yesterday. It was a very laid back day. James was awesome. He didn't let me do any dishes or cook all day long. I did throw a load of laundry in when he wasn't looking though. ;-) He also made me homemade cinnamon rolls from scratch. Yummy! Those will be getting made again soon! 

Mother's Day. May 13, 2012.

Playing with Mom.

Silly upside down girl.

Bikini Bottom and the Super Moon

On May 6, the day after Children's Day is celebrated in Korea, we made a spur of the moment trip to IPark Mall in Yongsan. We stopped in to Dunkin Donuts for a snack. As we were eating, we noticed a lot of bubbles outside floating around and down from the level above us. Curious, we went to check it out. What did we find, you ask? Amazingly enough, it was a life size replica of Bikini Bottom (or part of it) better known as Sponge Bob Square Pants home! It was actually a big inflatable play area (sponsored by Nick, Jr.) for kids with slides, a bounce house, games, and other activities. Of course, Brennan being Brennan was very interested in the bubbles. I, of course, was more interested in getting a photo with Sponge Bob and Dora the Explorer. Brennan was not impressed with them! 

Sponge Bob.

Dora the Explorer.

 Bikini Bottom.

Later that night, we found out that it was the night of the Super Moon. So, I grabbed the camera and went out. Only in Korea (seems like) would I have to take a walk in search of a Super Moon! Finally, I found an open space and there it was. By the time I saw the moon and even though it was very pretty, I have to say it was a bit underwhelming (kind of like expecting a dinner plate and getting a bottle cap). See photo above.

Down By The River

Since the weather has been so nice as of late, we have really been trying to get Brennan out of the house at least once a day. Last weekend, we took an excursion down the river (Anyangcheon) for a little exercise and 'fresh' air.

Remnants of a tulip garden.

Giving Dad the workout.

Ever the social butterfly.

Inspecting an abandoned vehicle.

Sitting with Mom.

A quiet moment.

Always has something to say!

The inflatable decorations for Buddha's Birthday celebration.

Jam Session

Sometimes, James will get out his guitar and play around with it while Brennan looks on. On this day, Brennan decided to get out her guitar and join in. It was the first father-daughter jam session!

So, you do it like this, Dad?

And, then you put your fingers here.

Let me see if I got this.

Joining in.

Rock star.

Brennan and the Parentals

These are just a few random shots of Brennan with me and James taken during April. :-)

Goofing around at McDonald's.

Guitar lesson with Dad.

My family.

Getting my squeezes.

At the musical fountain at Children's Grand Park.

At Children's Grand Park.